CFP Digital Culture and Communication ECREA 2010
The Digital Culture and Communication section of ECREA welcomes submissions to ECREA 2010 on all aspects of the digital. However, we also aim to programme a focused stream of papers that are clustered around key themes. We particularly welcome pre-constituted panels and papers on the following thematics:
Bodies [human and non-human]
Critical digital media theory
Critical digital methods
Digital arts
Digital practice
Social media
Submission procedures, conference information and key dates are here:
DCC: The web site for the Digital Culture and Communication section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Friday, January 08, 2010
Minutes ECREADCC meeting 2009
Minutes of the business meeting of the Digital Culture and Communication section of ECREA, Saturday 21 November, 2009, Old Library, Berlin University of the Arts [Universitat der Kundste – Udk]
Present: Kate O’Riordan [vice-chair], Elini Ikoniadou, Martin Zierold, Oliver Quiring, Bridgette Wessels, Gemma San Cornelio, Caja Thimm, Elisenda Ardevol [Vice-chair], Caroline Bassett [Chair], Sisse Siggaard Jensen
Agenda Items
1] People present [as above]
2] Report on past section events and meetings – Amsterdam, Sussex, Barcelona, Berlin
3] Current activity
– organising the conference stream for Hamburg 12-15 October 2010
– Kate O’Riordan is the contact for this - and we asked for volunteers to help review and stream papers
– Need for an on the ground chair at Hamburg – Elisenda assisted by Bridgette
– Need for future chairs and vice chairs for the section - and also the need to delegate roles so that more people can be involved – suggested we recruit volunteers to help with publicity and other secretarial and admin roles including managing the blog and website content
– Agenda items for Hamburg
o web presence,
o creating roles within the section,
o nominating and voting for chairs/vice chairs
o Barcelona 2011
4] Future events – as above the next mid term section workshop will be in Barcelona – lead on organising: Elisenda and Gemma – either joint like the Berlin event or particular to the section like the Sussex event – depending on local interest etc
5] Any other business – feedback on the Berlin event, positive overall - but would be helpful to frame the themes more clearly at the start
Present: Kate O’Riordan [vice-chair], Elini Ikoniadou, Martin Zierold, Oliver Quiring, Bridgette Wessels, Gemma San Cornelio, Caja Thimm, Elisenda Ardevol [Vice-chair], Caroline Bassett [Chair], Sisse Siggaard Jensen
Agenda Items
1] People present [as above]
2] Report on past section events and meetings – Amsterdam, Sussex, Barcelona, Berlin
3] Current activity
– organising the conference stream for Hamburg 12-15 October 2010
– Kate O’Riordan is the contact for this - and we asked for volunteers to help review and stream papers
– Need for an on the ground chair at Hamburg – Elisenda assisted by Bridgette
– Need for future chairs and vice chairs for the section - and also the need to delegate roles so that more people can be involved – suggested we recruit volunteers to help with publicity and other secretarial and admin roles including managing the blog and website content
– Agenda items for Hamburg
o web presence,
o creating roles within the section,
o nominating and voting for chairs/vice chairs
o Barcelona 2011
4] Future events – as above the next mid term section workshop will be in Barcelona – lead on organising: Elisenda and Gemma – either joint like the Berlin event or particular to the section like the Sussex event – depending on local interest etc
5] Any other business – feedback on the Berlin event, positive overall - but would be helpful to frame the themes more clearly at the start
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